Naughty Dog Comments
 August 13, 2012

Naughty Dog Comments

We are thinking about a change, but want to get your opinion first.

We are always looking to improve the experience of and as such we are thinking of changing our commenting systems, but we want to get your opinion first.We want to get your opinion first.

Currently, we are using our own built in commenting system that is connected to your PSN ID. We did this so that you can have the same identity on as you would have on the forums. As we continue to evolve with technology, we have been contemplating about moving to a new commenting system that would offer a better experience, more options, and improved site performance.

There are pros & cons to this move. The commenting systems we are thinking about implementing are either Livefyre or Disqus. Both are real-time 3rd party commenting systems that offer many features that we currently do not have, such as notifications, media embedding, social posting, and 3rd party account sign-in. The last feature is something we would like to point out.

If we chose to move to one of these services all of your comments would be linked to your Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, or OpenID accounts instead of your PSN account. We want to make it clear that as of right now, we have yet to create a PSN plug-in for either of these services.

We understand that your online identity is important to you and having that single identity experience from the site to the forums is important. On the other hand, we want to offer the best user experience we can.

It should be noted that we are not sold that we will move to either of these systems just yet. As we continue to test these services we wanted to hear what you opinions on the subject so we can take them into our final decision.

So please comment away.
