The Last of Us is Spreading
On the heels of the announcement at the 2011 Spike VGA this past Saturday news about The Last of Us has spread onto the internet and into the PlayStation Store.
On the heels of the announcement at the 2011 Spike VGA this past Saturday news about The Last of Us has spread onto the internet and into the PlayStation Store.
The reception to the announcement has us all high-fiving and breathing a collective sigh of relief as some of you started to get very close to exposing the truth of just who is behind The Last of Us mere days before the announcement. We're excited to share more details and we can't wait to immerse you in a truly genre-defining experience.
The PS Store has been updated today and will have some The Last of Us content rolling out that includes:
- The Last of Us Announcement Trailer
- Joel Avatar ($0.49)

- The Last of Us Static Theme
If you still haven't seen every suspense-filled, emotionally charged second of The Last of Us announcement trailer you'll be able to download it and watch it in glorious 720p on your PS3 via the PS Store today. Be sure to study the trailer carefully. There are hints about the game and how it'll play in nearly every frame.
A dynamic theme and an Ellie Avatar are on the way. Check back shortly to learn how to get your theme as we'll have details soon. There's a plethora of other content to come as the game develops so be on the lookout.

News about The Last of Us has disseminated via media outlets and some very awesome attendees of the VGAs. Revered game director Hideo Kojima even took time to tweet out a USA Today article about The Last of Us.
After the Spike VGAs we had some European media over at our studio to talk about what it now means for Naughty Dog to be a two team studio. Eurogamer posted up their impressions of the transition and details about The Last of Us. There will be more coverage coming from this studio visit so be ready to read other impressions of what's happening at Naughty Dog these days.
We're escatic that the project is out into the world now and looking forward to your reactions, thoughts, and responses!
UPDATE (12.14.2011): The Ellie Avatar is now available on the PS Store for $0.49.