Uncharted 3: Holiday Items and Block Mesh Lab Map
Happy holidays! Play Uncharted 3 multiplayer with some new holiday themed items and a brand new block mesh Lab map.
Happy Tuesday and, more importantly, Happy Holidays! We have some festive goodies in store for you today. Take a look. Yup, that’s Naughty Dog Co-President Christophe Balestra as an elf on this dashing Custom Character shirt. We also have a matching themed weapon with Christophe’s mug emblazoned on it. He’s a good sport and a jolly fellow. These items will be available for FREE for your custom character.

If you don’t want to rock a custom character but you’re still in the cheery, giving holiday mood, you can play as Present Head Drake:

Don an elf shirt or a present head and join in the Lab playlistIn addition, we are deploying a Block Mesh Lab map update. It’s an exciting, new Block Mesh Lab map by former Naughty Dog Lead Game Designer, current USC professor Richard Lemarchand (@rich_lem) that challenges you to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
These holiday items and the new Block Mesh Lab map will be available from December 18, 2012 until January 8, 2013. All holidays items are FREE for this duration. You’ll get to spread holiday cheer and joy after January 8, 2013 by earning the holiday items in our weekly Tournament. The lab and the holiday items will be available today before 630pm PST. Fire up your PS3, don an elf shirt or a present head, and join in the Lab playlist for some raucous holiday fun!
We have some massive surprises we’re going to color in and then let free in the New Year. Get ready for some big news and more exciting events in 2013! Be sure to visit the calendar on your stats page to check out all upcoming maps and some of our future multiplayer events. Have a safe, happy holiday season. See you online!